Chinese English
Trade Name and Grade:PA6-GF35 HB351      Glass fiber reinforced
PropertiesTest StandardTest conditionUnitTypical Value
Mechanical properties
Tensile strengthISO5275mm/minMPa160
Tensile Stain,BreakISO5275mm/min%3
Flexural strengthISO1782mm/minMPa240
Flexural modulusISO1782mm/minMPa8300
Charpy notched impact strengthISO179-1eA23℃KJ/m213
Charpy impact strengthISO179-1eU23℃KJ/m290
Thermal properties
Heat distortion temperatureISO 751.8MPa215
Heat distortion temperatureISO 750.45MPa220
Physical properties
Other properties
Molding ShrinkageISO2577/%0.3-0.5
Filler contentISO1172/%35
Address:No.369, Guangming Road, Zhuangshi Street, Zhenghai District, Ningbo.
Tel:(0574)87244771       Fax:(0574)87241375
These technical data in the product brochures are typical data under specific test conditions( at 23±2℃ and 50±5% relative humidity) and not intended foruse as limiting specifications.