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Ningbo Huibang Nylon: The Nylon Kingdom Created
2018-04-10    17:37:4717:29-08    The number of clicks:0

Nylon has been tried and applied in various fields since its inception in 1938, from stockings, clothing to carpets, fishing nets, parachutes, aircraft tire cord fabrics to hot air balloons, and the application of nylon from the ground to the sky can be described as ubiquitous.

In China nowadays, the fastest-growing areas in the nylon industry are automobiles and high-speed rails. In Ningbo, there is such an original local enterprise that is committed to making itself a Chinese company, DuPont, and is playing in the nylon industry. Its leader, Mr. Gu Min, said: "When the company was founded, our vision was to become a DuPont-like enterprise in China and to build the company as 'China DuPont'!" This "China DuPont" is Ningbo Huibang Nylon Technology Co., Ltd. The company (hereinafter referred to as "Ningbo Huibang").

From ordinary electronic appliances to automobile high-speed rail, decipher the past and present of Ningbo Huibang Nylon

Ningbo Huibang Nylon Technology Co., Ltd. is the predecessor of Huizhou New Material Technology Co., Ltd. and is specialized in R&D and production of nylon modification. As a company that started from scratch and grew smaller, as early as 9 years ago, Huizhou Nylon team cooperated with Shanshan Group to produce the 863 public relations project developed by Shanghai East China Institute of Technology. It can be said that Huizhou was already well-known in the field of domestic modified materials.

However, enterprises will encounter bottlenecks when they reach a certain scale. This is also true for Huizhou in 2014. After experiencing a seven-year itch with his own company, President Gu believes that corporate transformation is imminent. Ever since, a real enterprise transformation and upgrade began. Huizhou was renamed as Ningbo Huibang, giving up the original electronics and other markets, brand new factory buildings, brand names, and brand new production lines. Ningbo Huibang became a professional auto parts material supplier and focused on the development of mid-to-high end market in the nylon industry. .

Perhaps it was influenced by the name "DuPont," and Ningbo Huibang was renamed to play an important role in the high-end nylon field. In the automotive field, Ningbo Huibang won the recognition and attention of some auto manufacturers, and has now passed the review of the suppliers of the five major domestic manufacturers.

Professional service car, high-speed rail industry For nylon, Huibang is serious

“If you want to be a good company, you must concentrate on one area,” said Gu Zong. “The market is no more gold than before. In the current era, companies want to develop in the long term. They must focus on technology and make products exclusively. "In the conversation with Gu Zong, it is not difficult to find out that Gu Zong has a deep understanding of the way companies survive, and he is also practicing this way.

The big events in the world must be made in detail. If the goal of Huizhou in the early days of the venture is to make the company bigger and stronger, then Ningbo Huibang now wants to make the company specialize. Ningbo Huibang focuses on the automotive and high-speed railways and is committed to the technical modification of nylon materials (PA6 and PA66). The products cover high temperature resistance, low temperature resistance, light resistance, fatigue resistance, electroplating, electrical conductivity, fire resistance, abrasion resistance and many more. Field, high strength, high impact modified nylon, with three series of non-filled nylon resin, reinforced nylon, flame retardant nylon. In Ningbo Huibang's nylon workshop, we can also feel its professional and focused attitude. "The machine here looks the same, but in fact its production function is different," said the technical staff present to us, "The first machine here is used to produce white and color materials, the second machine In the production of PA66, No.3 machine is used to produce color matching material and PA6. The production of different products, our production line is not the same, so that we can guarantee the stability of product quality."

It is reported that as early as August 2015, Ningbo Huibang Nylon Co., Ltd. signed a project contract with the Chinese Academy of Sciences for the "Jointly Established Applied Plastics and Automotive Products Engineering Technology Center" contract, which marks Ningbo Huibang Nylon for professional automotive use. In terms of materials, the strength of science and technology has been greatly enhanced, and it has taken a step closer to becoming a world-class brand. With the advent of auto light weight storms, the transformation and upgrading of automotive materials has become the most concerned topic in the plastics industry. Ningbo Huibang’s move has undoubtedly greatly enhanced its own innovation capabilities, R&D strength, and the quality of related automotive modified materials. The development of China's automotive materials has also contributed to the power.

“Enterprise development cannot be separated from employees, we recruit talents from all over the world”

After undergoing the development of laddering, Ningbo Huibang did not follow the example of some quick-money-seeking companies, but instead stepped forward step by step. In the development of a company, if the internal skills in the early stage are not done well, there will be sequelae. At present, Ningbo Huibang is practicing the internal management of internal management.

"The development of a company cannot be separated from its employees. We must recruit talents from all over the world." For the management of corporate personnel, Gu Zong said. Ningbo Huibang has established cooperation with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and established a talent transfer cooperation. At the same time, Ningbo Huibang and Ningbo University have also drafted a preliminary talent transfer plan. As a result, high-tech talents gather together and Ningbo Huibang’s technical team will grow stronger.

As for the internal management of the production system, Mr. Gu said that “at the moment we are implementing a military rank system like the military. When employees reach the level, they will have a level of treatment. The purpose is to let the production system employees see a professional vision.” In Ningbo Huibang, Such a "military rank system" is called a star-rated employee system. If employees reach Samsung, they can enjoy a single bedroom and carry their families. When they reach four stars, they can enjoy annual vacations, full ticket reimbursement and so on. The establishment of this unique system can stabilize the basic guarantees for employees, and thus stabilize both production and technology, and ultimately achieve the goal of satisfying the highest requirements in the automotive manufacturing field.

Efforts to build "China DuPont"

As we all know, the two leaders of Ningbo Huibang are surnamed Gu, and the so-called “two swords are united to form a unified river and lake”. Gu Zong brings the material basis for Ningbo Huibang and its accumulated technology, talents, markets, and channels. Resources, while another Gu Zong relies on his years of experience in the financial sector to manage financial finance for Ningbo Huibang, and plans the future for Ningbo Huibang from a professional macro perspective. The sincere cooperation between the two President Gu can be described as the integration of industrial capital.

From the perspective of the breadth and depth of nylon, the industry has great potential for development. The demand for high-strength and high-strength nylon is growing. New reinforcing materials such as inorganic whisker-reinforced PA and carbon fiber-reinforced PA will become important products for automotive engines. part. At the same time, nylon alloys will become the mainstream of the development of modified engineering plastics. Nylon alloying is an important way to achieve high performance of nylon. It is also the main means for manufacturing nylon special materials and improving the performance of nylon. It is improved by blending other high polymers. The water absorption of nylon improves the dimensional stability of the product, as well as the low-temperature brittleness, heat resistance and wear resistance, and is applicable to all major models. Ningbo Huibang will inevitably focus on its own technology in this area of expertise and keep up with market demand.

Talking about the future planning of Ningbo Huibang, Gu Zong said that in the future, under the premise of specializing in product technology, efforts will be made to expand the domestic market. “In the future, we plan to use Ningbo as our R&D and sales headquarters, and gradually establish factories nationwide,” said Gu. In the future, Huibang will not only be based in Ningbo, but will also establish its own brand in the rapidly developing areas of Beijing, Shanghai, Changchun, and Chongqing, and push Ningbo Huibang into a larger market

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