Chinese English
Material name and brand number:PA66-GF25 HA256
Glass fiber reinforced
PropertiesTest StandardTest conditionUnitTypical Value
Mechanical properties
Tensile strengthISO 5275mm/minMPa130
Elongation at breakISO 5275mm/min%3
Flexural strengthISO 1782mm/minMPa200
Flexural modulusISO 1782mm/minMPa6400
Notched impact strengthISO 179-1eA23℃KJ/m26.5
Unnotched impact strengthISO 179-1eA23℃KJ/m23.5
HardnessISO 203923℃N/m2190
Thermal properties
Heat deflection temperatureISO 751.8MPa230
Heat deflection temperatureISO 750.45MPa255
Physical properties
DensityISO 118323℃g/cm31.32
Other properties
Molding ShrinkageISO 2577/%0.5-0.6
Filler contentISO 1172/%25
Add:No. 369 Guangming Road, Zhuangshi Street, Zhenhai District, Ningbo City
Tel:(0574)87244771     Fax:(0574)87241375
Before the test, it shall be allowed to stand for more than 48 hours under the conditions of ambient temperature (23±2)°C and relative humidity (50±5)%.